Managing Interstitial Cystitis

Often people that suffer with interstitial cystitis struggle with their treatment. But it is possible to find solutions. With a bit of trial and error, you can find strategies for managing interstitial cystitis.

Woman has to pee

What is Interstitial Cystitis?

Interstitial Cystitis is a condition that causes bladder pain and urinary frequency. Well, that is where it starts. Unfortunately, IC symptoms overlap with other less complicated conditions. It can take time to rule out those other problems. There is no definitive test for IC. Not yet.

While dealing with bladder pain and potty issues, other symptoms tend to arise. Sufferers report incontinence, pain with sex, and even complications with IBS or Endometriosis. Pain becomes a prominent symptom, and a chronic experience.

Medical help for managing interstitial cystitis

Medical treatment for IC is kind of all over the map. Some physicians simply provide a diagnosis, and report that IC is a chronic condition and has no cure. Other physicians are more familiar with a variety of medications that can help. Medication can address inflammation, protecting the bladder lining, reduction of pain signals from the bladder, etc to help control symptoms. In more pronounced cases, recommendations for bladder distensions or surgical procedures may be an option.

Pelvic Floor physical therapy can provide relief by addressing the surrounding muscles and fascia, and reducing nerve irritation to the bladder and surrounding organs. Maximizing movement and coordination helps maintain activity levels and teaches self-care.

Counseling can become a beneficial part of your IC treatment plan. Chronic pain is both exhausting, and isolating. Using a counselor to find strategies to navigate social obstacles can help bridge the gap between you and your family, friends, and co-workers.

Look for your team of professionals. And know that you are a part of it. Providing feedback and guidance for the medical team is essential for managing the ups and downs of IC symptoms. Finding the right combination of medical practitioners can take a little time, but will provide the best possible results.

What else can be done?

Medical treatments are only a part of managing interstitial cystitis. Many other modifications and lifestyle adjustments can reduce bladder pain and help with control of your symptoms.

There is no one specific IC diet, but modifying your diet to reduce bladder irritation can help. Find recommendations from the Interstitial Cystitis Association here

woman in peaceful relaxationFinding stress management strategies that work for you are an important component to manage flares. Moderate exercise, meditation, breathing strategies, yoga, and relaxing hobbies are a great place to start.

Drink enough water! Allowing the urine in your bladder to become more concentrated will further irritate your bladder. It’s better to keep things diluted, with plenty of H2O. The general rule of 64Oz per day still applies.

Social Challenges

Look for a support group- whether you find something online or in person, being able to talk with other people that understand what you are going through can really be a relief. In my experience, however, you should approach these groups with a little caution. Some groups can become very focused on discussing their limitations, rather than their victories. Negativity is not your friend. Also, everyone responds differently to foods, lifestyle and medications. Be cautiously optimistic, but always use your own judgement as to whether a particular piece of advice or information is the right choice for you.

One of the biggest social challenges for people suffering with IC is that it is not visible from the outside. It’s easy for others to overlook what you are going through. Social interactions can start to have a theme of having to remind others of your limitations. Having an ally can bridge the gap and keep social events IC friendly. Whenever possible, foster relationships with loved ones that support you and celebrate who you are. Spend some time with your spouse or partner discussing what you CAN do so that they can make suggestions with others for restaurants, activities, and plans that include you.

Take responsibility- Take control Happy Woman on the Beach


Managing Interstitial Cystitis will still have some ups and downs. But the more you take an active role in treatments for your condition be better your results will be. Invest in yourself.

I am a pelvic floor physical therapist with a clinic in Winston Salem NC. I treat women and men with Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain Syndrome, to help them live active full lives. Relief Is Possible.

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Other related information

Expert interview with Laura Santurri and Nicole Cozean- (Click Here)

I highly recommend The Interstitial Cystitis Solution by Nicole Cozean (Find on Amazon Here)