Physical Therapy is a common treatment for all sorts of aches and pains. But I have heard countless stories from patients that have told me they had already tried PT and it didn’t help them with their problem. Why are some people thrilled with their results, and others left suffering?

Physical Therapy

First of all, not all symptoms are the same. 6 people might complain of pain in their knee, but the CAUSE can be from 6 different things. Even 3 people, all with a torn Meniscus can have very different situations depending on the location and severity of the tear. One may feel much better with an exercise based course of physical therapy, another may require arthroscopic surgery before they improve. Or the damage may be so severe that only a knee replacement will address the problem.

But what happens when surgery is not an option? Well, then it’s back to therapy, probably in the same clinic, using the same exercise protocol as the first time around.  If there is still no improvement, medications are presented as the only answer.

Frustrated by lack of progress

At this point the relationship of the patient and the medical providers starts to change. This is because now they are experiencing “Chronic pain”. Chronic pain is defined as lasting longer than 3 months (In some cases 6). And doctors who have already tried their tools of procedures, surgery, and therapy…resort to medication as their last option. Patients can feel hopeless about their condition.

But in many cases, the physical therapy that they received was limited. Not intentionally, but limited none the less. There are a lot of PT clinics that are focused on exercise as their main strategy for recovery. And in about 80% of cases, that totally works. But when it doesn’t, sometimes those clinics aren’t able to change it up. Reasons for this include limitations by insurance, number of patients a therapist is seeing, experience, and education in alternative techniques.


Imaging can be misleading

xray of pelvis

Additionally, doctors and therapists can develop tunnel vision about the CAUSE of a patient’s pain. X-rays, MRIs and CT scans are great tools to help medical professionals discover the problem. But they are far from fool proof. Did you know that studies have shown about 40% of us walking around with NO COMPLAINT OF BACK PAIN will have a positive finding on an MRI? So sometimes, the images point us in the wrong direction….not in every case, but sometimes. When therapy doesn’t help, someone needs to look at the bigger picture, and see if there is something else that can be addressed.

So, if you have tried PT, and it didn’t seem to help. If you are stuck in a cycle of rotating medications to manage your pain, or frustrated with the lack of progress. Maybe the answer is trying a different PT clinic.


Why focus on Physical Therapy, when it didn’t work the first time?

PT pelvic treatment

Physical Therapists are able to spend more time with you than any medical care provider. They have the opportunity to see you on multiple days, and have time to ask varied and thorough questions. This allows them to uncover issues that other medical providers don’t find.

If the clinic you attended the first time around didn’t allow their therapist to do that, it might be time to look for someone else. Sometimes having a professional look at the problem with new eyes, helps find new solutions. Be open to different types of treatments. Speak with the therapist, and decide whether that person talks and explains things in a way that resonates with you.

When looking at that bigger picture, the medical assessment should include at least some measurement of the basics.  Walking, standing, sitting, and how the deep core is working. The core provides our foundation, and all the rest of our movements build on that. If therapists zoom in too quickly, they can miss a related issue that can be driving the problem.

Challenges with Insurance

Unfortunately, that is exactly what the insurance companies want you to do. They want therapists to zoom in and address the specific problem to be as “efficient” as possible. Which is a great plan, when it works. But if that plan has not worked, it’s time to think out of the box. Which might include getting treatment even when your policy will not help cover it. It will be up to you to decide what you are willing to sacrifice to get different results.

It also helps to take a look at your thoughts about your pain, and your situation. Do you believe things can get better? Do you have the time to help yourself, by keeping appointments and doing the home activities? Are you ready for the changes that will happen in your life, when you are feeling better?  Sometimes the answer is “not right now.” And that’s okay.

It’s much better to change your life when you are ready. New habits are easier to maintain when you are ready for a change. Because chronic pain becomes a lifestyle. Freedom from it will be an adjustment.

Relief Physical Therapy specializes in treatment of issues related to the pelvis and pelvic health including low back pain, hip pain, genital pain, and toileting and sexual function and control.

If you are looking for a different solution, contact Relief Physical Therapy to schedule a free consult and see if you can have a new plan.